EO 3 Harvest of commercially exploited Fish and Shellfish


Populations of selected commercially exploited fšandšllfšare within biologically safe limits, exhibiting a population age and size distribution that is indicative of a healthy stock.


Common Indicator 7: Spawning stock Biomass (EO3);

Common Indicator 8: Total landings (EO3);

Common Indicator 9: Fšng Mortality (EO3);

Common Indicator 10: Fšng effort (EO3);

Common Indicator 11: Cačper unit of effort (CPUE) or Landing per unit of effort (LPUE) as a proxy (EO3)

Common Indicator 12: Bycačof vulnerable and non-target species (EO1 and EO3)

Mediteranski akcijski plan (MAP)